Our Governance Our privacy and public records obligations are governed by applicable Virginia laws and regulations, as well as applicable U.S. federal laws and regulations...
Our approach As a corporate organization, it is extremely important to make sure that brand awareness and consistency is a part of the excellence that...
Media Inquiries Any representative from the media, including but not limited to film crews, reporters, producers and photographers, must be accompanied by a representative when...
What is clinical research? Clinical trials help to move basic scientific research from the laboratory into treatments for patients. They test many types of treatment...
We're here for you Whether you have been newly diagnosed with cancer, are currently undergoing treatment, are in active surveillance or have completed treatments, let...
What's an oncology nurse navigator? An Oncology Nurse Navigator is a registered nurse with cancer experience and specialized training. They are specially trained as Oncology...
We're here for you Centra offers Lactation Support Services seven days a week during regular business hours through our Warm Line at 434.401.9344. If one...
Guidance for every step of your pregnancy Preparing for a newborn is a milestone that comes with numerous questions. That's why Centra's Maternity Services Team...
Our approach Centra offers bereavement services for anyone who has been impacted by the loss of a baby during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly after...
Lynchburg General Hospital is one of 19 trauma centers in the commonwealth of Virginia, and one of seven Level II Centers.