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Support Group

Ostomy Support Group

This group is open to any patient (and/or caregiver) with any type of ostomy. This group meets the second Tuesday of every other month ( Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep, Nov) from 5:30 PM to 6:30PM. For more information, please contact Pat Jones (434.665.2143) or Kim Kennedy, NP (434.473.9242). Group...


HVI PA Fellowship Info Session

Are you ready to take the next step in advancing your training in cardiovascular medicine? This is your opportunity! Centra's Heart & Vascular Institute is holding an information session for our Accredited General Cardiology PA Fellowship Program. If you are a PA student and want to learn more about our...


Walk with a Doc, Keysville

Join Kerri Rundstrom, NP as she discusses National and Alternative Medicine! The walk will take place at Centra Medical Group's Keysville location. Register for Walk with a Doc

Support Group

Breast Cancer Support Group

This group is open to anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer – whether newly diagnosed, currently in treatments or have completed treatments. This group meets the first Thursday of every other month ( Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) from 4pm to 5pm. For more information, please contact...


Free Mammogram Screenings

Centra and Mammograms Annually A Must (M.A.A.M) are partnering to provide free mammography screenings. Free screening mammograms will be offered to women 40 years of age or older who do not have health insurance or are underinsured and have not had a mammogram in the last year. Screenings will be...

Career Fair

Centra Spring Career Fair

Event Details: Bring your resume, we are currently hiring for all positions at Centra. Onsite interviews may take place. Prize giveaways! During the event, our recruitment team will host three stations for our attendees: Resume Writing/Review Career Coaching for all Centra Positions Application Process “How to Apply”


Safe Sitter Class

Safe Sitter is a nationally certified class that teaches young people to be great babysitters. Safe Sitter teaches nurturing childcare techniques, behavior management skills and appropriate responses to medical emergencies. This class, designed for those aged 11-14, teaches: Home Safety Injury prevention Seeking emergency help Problem behavior prevention Babysitter business...

Support Group

Ostomy Support Group

This group is open to any patient (and/or caregiver) with any type of ostomy. This group meets the second Tuesday of every other month ( Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep, Nov) from 5:30 PM to 6:30PM. For more information, please contact Pat Jones (434.665.2143) or Kim Kennedy, NP (434.473.9242). Group...


Free Mammogram Screenings

Centra and Mammograms Annually A Must (M.A.A.M) are partnering to provide free mammography screenings. Free screening mammograms will be offered to women 40 years of age or older who do not have health insurance or are underinsured and have not had a mammogram in the last year. Screenings will be...


Centra Health Career Camps 2025

Excellent educational opportunity Centra’s Summer Health Career Camps provide a multi-day, robust hands-on activities and observational experiences for middle and high school aged students interested in exploring the exciting world of health care careers. Students will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on learning with Centra staff throughout various Centra...