If you’ve ever had to wait in the emergency room, you might have felt that the process seems confusing or even unorganized. But what may seem like a delay is part of how emergency care works.
Waiting in the ER can be one of the most stressful things you might experience, especially when you or a loved one is in pain or discomfort from an injury or sudden illness. It’s easy to think that an emergency room should be a place where you get care right away, but that’s not always possible.
There are many reasons for this. Other patients may need urgent care, and some might even be in more serious condition, requiring faster treatment. Some patients also arrive by ambulance and may be seen right away in areas away from the waiting room.
No one expects to go to the ER, but if you do, there are some things to keep in mind to make the experience less stressful and frustrating. Click this link to learn more.