Our approach to care
A forensic nurse provides comprehensive care to survivors of violence while demonstrating competency in conducting a medical forensic exam, including evaluation for evidence collection; providing effective courtroom testimony; and showing compassion and sensitivity. The health and safety of a patient is the primary objective of the forensic nurse during the examination.
Our forensic nurses are experts in the following:
- Intimate Partner Violence/Family Violence
- Reporting to law enforcement
- Non-reporting to law enforcement
- Child Physical Assault/Abuse
- Child Sexual Assault/Abuse
- Elder abuse and neglect (Elder is defined as anyone 60 years of age or older or incapacitated at any age from a physical or mental disability
- Adult Sexual Assault
- Reporting to law enforcement
- Non-reporting to law enforcement
- Human Trafficking
- Malicious Wounding assaults (i.e. gunshot wounds, stabbings, broken skin, broken bones, bites, other)
- Suspect exams
- Other-authorized and/or requested by law enforcement