About Me
Bikram Bal, MD is a gastroenterologist at Centra Southside Hospital in Farmville, Virginia. Dr. Bal completed his medical school training at Christian Medical College in India. Subsequently he did a post-doctoral fellowship in immunology at the Yale School of Medicine. He completed his training in internal medicine and Gastroenterology at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He has been practicing at Centra Southside Community Hospital for the past 12 years. Dr. Bal with the aid of two nurse practitioners, practices at the Centra Medical Group Gastrointestinal Center located within Centra Southside Community Hospital and offers a full range of gastroenterology services including care for treatment of Hepatitis C, advanced liver disease, and moderate to severe inflammatory bowel disease. Dr. Bal is currently performing over 2,000 procedures a year. He performs upper endoscopies, colonoscopies, video capsule endoscopies, ERCP, pH monitoring studies, esophageal manometry and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. In addition to working as a gastroenterologist, Dr. Bal also serves as the Chief Medical Officer of the Centra Medical Group and is a member of the Centra Southside Hospital Board.
My Credentials
- Georgetown University/Washington Hospital Center, June 2012
- Georgetown University/Washington Hospital Center, May 2009
- Georgetown University/Washington Hospital Center, June 2007
Medical Education
- Yale School of Medicine, January 2006
- American Board of Internal Medicine
Where I see my Patients

Centra Medical Group Gastrointestinal Center Southside
800 Oak StreetFarmville, VA 23901
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