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Gratitude Heals

Have you or a loved one received excellent care at Centra? Share your story today!
grateful patient and caregiver

Have you or a loved one received excellent care at Centra?

Saying ‘thank you’ and expressing your appreciation by sharing your personal words of gratitude can:

  • Uplift your dedicated team of Caregivers.
  • Be a powerful part of the healing process.
  • Inspire generosity and impact patients.

Share your story

Honoring those who have gone above and beyond when you needed them most is as simple as sharing your story.

Patient testimonial
Not long after Tom Crouch retired, a biopsy confronted him with serious news. He began treatments with Angela Brady, MD, at Centra Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center. “She’s one of the most compassionate people you’ve ever met. She truly cares about you. She encourages you and really listens. I asked what we could do to thank everyone, and they told us about the Centra Foundation.”
— Tom Crouch, patient

Stories of Gratitude

Karen Yeeles and Caregivers
Foundation story February 12, 2024
Gratitude Heals: 'It takes a village'